Bobblehead Birthday Prepping
Y'all my grandson is almost a year old! Time flies when you're having fun! I created this sampler for the little dude for his first birthday. Dumbo was a chart I purchased off Etsy for a few bucks. The rainbow wax a kit I ordered off Ali Express. It's actually meant to be a scene with a cute little fairy having a picnic, but I just wanted the rainbow. The problem??? My rainbow, while the col oh is are in order, are UPSIDE DOWN . SERIOUSLY. WHATTHD HECK MAN! I'm not redoing it. I don't think Charlie will notice π I chatted and designed the text myself. Yeah I know the stitching could be better. I made him a onesie for his party. We are going to Sea World for his birthday and my daughter wanted matching shirts. We made 20-something t shirts. All the guys got crabs and the girls got star fish. And for your viewing pleasure, a little more Card Ladies action. Our last get together was Christmas cards. ...