
Showing posts from 2019

Bobblehead Birthday Prepping

Y'all my grandson is almost a year old! Time flies when you're having fun! I created this sampler for the little dude for his first birthday.  Dumbo was a chart I purchased off Etsy for a few bucks. The rainbow wax a kit I ordered off Ali Express. It's actually meant to be a scene with a cute little fairy having a picnic, but I just wanted the rainbow. The problem??? My rainbow, while the col oh is are in order, are  UPSIDE  DOWN . SERIOUSLY. WHATTHD HECK MAN! I'm not redoing it. I don't think Charlie will notice πŸ˜‚ I chatted and designed the text myself.  Yeah I know the stitching could be better.  I made him a onesie for his party. We are going to Sea World for his birthday and my daughter wanted matching shirts. We made 20-something t shirts. All the guys got  crabs and the girls got star fish. And for your viewing pleasure, a little more Card Ladies action. Our last get together was Christmas  cards. ...

The Card Ladies

We only have a few weeks left in our fall Click semester. Clicks are what my church walls our small groups. W meet once a week and make a few cards. I design them and provide everything.   This Halloween card used washi tape and an adorable stamp set from Bo Bunny. Everythung was pre-cut and pre-stamped for them. The ladies had fun coloring their images.   I mean, serious cuteness here! I found this set at Tuesday Morning. I LOVE THAT STORE! This card worked off a sketch I found on Pinterest.  This stamp set is from Hobby  Lobby.  It's their Paper Studio brand and honestly does  NOT  stamp nicely at all.  Here's my lovely card ladies. 
What crafty goodness have y'all been up to? I thought I'd show you a little bit of what I've been doing lately. I've been running a small group at my church on Tuesday evenings. I call us The Card Ladies. We make 2-3 cards and talk about our lives a little. Diamond painting, yo! Seriously! When I first heard about it a couple of years ago, I though that's stoopid. Now here I am loving it. How's that for irony. This sweet thang isn't new but I still adore her. I sold her a few years ago. I think I need to make another one for myself.  Here's another Card Ladies card. The cupcake is from Fun Stampers Journey. I made this guy last year, right after we moved to Florida.  I need to find him! I'd love to know what you've been up to.  Leave me a comment or two. xoxo Aimee

New Vidio- Diamond Painting Kit Unboxing

Please check out this new video. I'd love to see your comments. Leave a thumbs up!

The Bobblehead Diaries

We are back on the every other weekend schedule for having our grandson. I pick him up on Friday and take him home on Tuesday. He's almost 9 months old. This kid is a trip! He's loud, trying to walk, and is up for almost anything. Yesterday's full church day wore him out. We are at church by 9 am and don't leave till around 2:30 pm. Some people get there even earlier! Bobblehead slept a full 12 hours last night! We also got some new babies this weekend! 4 little chicks. Two Isa Browns and two Barred Rocks. The Isas are a new breed for us, so we are excited. We have a broody hen right now, so we are going to give her one of the barred rocks tonight. I'm hand raising the other three. awwww so cute And here's a few more Bobblehead photos. I love this little dude so much!

I'm baaaaack

Guess who's back, back again..."🎢🎡🎢 I'm working on creating stuff and getting this blog fired up again.  A lot has happened in my life since January 2016, and I can't wait to share my stories with you!  I had a massive stroke, my husband and I moved from Ohio to Florida, our oldest child is now married, and we have our first Grand child.  So please keep checking back. I've got all kinds of ideas rolling around in my big blonde head!