The Bobblehead Diaries

We are back on the every other weekend schedule for having our grandson. I pick him up on Friday and take him home on Tuesday. He's almost 9 months old. This kid is a trip! He's loud, trying to walk, and is up for almost anything.

Yesterday's full church day wore him out. We are at church by 9 am and don't leave till around 2:30 pm. Some people get there even earlier! Bobblehead slept a full 12 hours last night!

We also got some new babies this weekend! 4 little chicks. Two Isa Browns and two Barred Rocks. The Isas are a new breed for us, so we are excited. We have a broody hen right now, so we are going to give her one of the barred rocks tonight. I'm hand raising the other three.

awwww so cute

And here's a few more Bobblehead photos. I love this little dude so much!


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