Happy Spring!

Hallelujah I think spring might actually, finally, be here!! Today it was above 60 degrees, wonderfully sunny, and not windy. A really perfect day. I was so happy to be outside today with the dogs and the critters, just playing and baking in the sun.

I've picked up some new hobbies- crocheting for one.  I have a few small crocheted items in my Etsy shop. I'd love it if you'd take a look and tell me what you think of them!

I'm doing a craft show here in town on May 2nd. Hopefully it will go well and be a sign of good things to come, because I've been in a bit of a slump lately. Over the next month or so I anticipate having lots of crafty things to share with you.

But for now.....

Here's that rotten weenie, Sammy.
He's so darn cute, if not a brat!

I got a little overzealous in my gardening this year.
Started too early, so hopefully everything will make it.

Working on what I call "delightfully tacky" blocks to go around the veggie garden.


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