Vintage Birdcage Necklace

 I've been working on some jewelry lately.
I hope ya like this one!!
This little sweetie was pretty easy to create and I think it's
just so dang cute!!
Wanna make it?
What you need:
Tiny hole-less beads, bird charm (this one is from prima), toothpicks, jump ring, heat gun
What to do:
1. Coat the base piece for the bird cage with enamel adhesive fluid and Turquoise Lagoon enamel powder. Heat until thoroughly melted.
2. Get out a piece of chipboard, or an old plastic lid, or something, an put a little bit of each enamel gel on it (that is, if you don't have the super fine tips. If you DO have them, disregard this part).
3. Use the toothpicks (or super fine tips) and color the detail part of your bird cage. I did gold on the base/legs and loop, silver on the bars, and copper on the door. PS-- when you punch out all of the little bits from the cage, DO NOT throw out the heart...we will use it next week.

4. Once the cage is dry, flip it over and use a toothpick to coat the back with E600 glue. Adhere it to the base (hold it down for a minute or two). Then go back over any areas of the cage that need touched up. Be sure to recoat the top near the loop, then dump some tiny hole-less beads on it. Once the entire thing is dry, shake the excess beads off.
5. Take the bird charm and randomly put some of the enamel gels on it (I just used the toothpicks). let dry.

6. Once your birdie is dry, add a jump ring to him, and then a jump ring to the bird cage. Attach bird to cage and the entire thing to the cord necklace. 



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